Accelerate Your Business

Aftermarket &
Product Configuration

Experience how the right services turns a good product into the perfect product.

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Tivitysoft Aftermarket Applications

Media Management

Multimedia repository

Flexible media categorization

Connect media to products/items

Extensive search capabilities

Spare Parts Catalog

Interactive 3D illustrations

Interactive PDF catalogs

As-built bill of materials

Multi-mode structuring

Order Portal

Order entry with parking

Order status reviews

Credit card support

Strong ERP integration

Serial/Chassis Controlling

As serviced & maintained

Service plan template(s)

Proactive service reporting

Personalized information

Owner Communication

Owner registration/change

Email, SMS communication

GDPR compliant

Mobile apps for owners

Fleet / Installed Base

Presentation of serial/chassis per reseller and combined

Cockpit access to more than 20 interelated functions

Warranty Processing

Four-dimension error tracking

Service bulletins & ctrl pgm

Self-service with chat support

Material returns & receiving

Field Service Management

Service agreement control

Dynamic creation of service

Planning & scheduling

Signing and invoicing

Tivitysoft Extended Applications for Competitive Advantage

Customer Success Services

News publishing

Service desk


User feedback

Master Data Management

Interactive 3D illustrations

Interactive PDF catalogs

As-built bill of materials

Multi-mode structuring

CRM Capital Product Sales

Availability check of new and used products

Product reservation

Quote & sales generation

Product Configuration

Flexible, non-tech setup

Highly visual presentation

Dynamic consumer readiness

Special preparation

Add-On Equipment Sales

Define equipment products

Equipment offer & sales entry

Generation of work order

WO planning & execution

Production Line Scheduling

Production series definition

Chassis/serial creation

Production sequencing

Extensive ERP integration

Transport & Locations

Google location control

Transport order

Transport confirmation

Tracking and traceability

Supplier Claim Processing

Created by material returns

Web and mobile enabled claim process step-by-step

Follow-up by Power BI

Designed and built like no other

Tivitysoft Aftermarket apps is the industry standard by which all other alternatives are measured.

  • It is cloud-based on Microsoft Azure from day one.
  • It is exclusively made for durable goods manufacturers.
  • It is purpose-built for producing superior user experiences.
  • It offers features and functions legacy systems can only dream of.

Tivitysoft provides a role-driven, self-service solution where security, mobility, usability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency standout.

Unified Aftermarket Operations


The bold idea that your aftermarket operations should be fully unified is our starting point. Fragmented solutions have ruled the industry for so long that many users have come to accept everywhere Excel, complicated workflows, and inconsistent data is just part of doing business.

In our world Integration and consistency is not a luxury but a necessity. Our spare parts catalog – used both when buying parts and specifying a claim – is a great example. The unification of user interfaces, workflows, and data is fundamental for business success.

We Are All Unique


No two businesses are exactly alike, and they should not. The ever-changing landscape of aftermarkets require that you can react and adapt quickly. Tivitysoft can fulfill every single challenge according to your business needs.

We are much more focused on business fit than one-size-fits-all. The apps running your aftermarket operations should match the footprint of your business, quite exactly. That is a key characteristic of competitive advantage.

Simplicity First


It is innovation’s biggest paradox: We demand more and more from business apps; more features, more functions, and more power – and yet we increasingly demand that the apps we are served are easy to use. The challenge is that the simplest app to use is often the most difficult to create.

Many vendors are proud that their products require a very particular set of skills to fully master. Tivitysoft is opposite: proud to offer powerful applications where capability and ease of use are perfectly balanced.

Winning Your Moments of Truth

Every point of contact between one of your customers and one of your employees is a moment of truth; an opportunity to enhance or detract from the experience of doing business with your company. When an ever-larger part of a company’s customer touch points happens without direct human contact, the strength of these touch points depends on your applications self-service capabilities. A primary part of Tivitysoft’s mission is to deliver user experiences your employees and customers love. Great user experiences are key to winning your moments of truth.

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