
Our vision is to grow our business by offering the best solution. We call it product-led growth, which is an end-user-focused growth model that relies on the product itself as the primary driver of customer acquisition and expansion. It does not mean we do not understand the value of marketing. Rather that all such activities are down to earth, focusing on the product and its value to users – where these two priorities are mainstay:

Design for the end-user

End users are now in the driver’s seat. Unlike companies that think only in terms of formal ROI, end users are people. And people want to solve the problem they have right now. To design for end-users is understanding what they do and need to do better. Designing for end users means putting their needs first, listening to their problems, and committing to making consistent improvements to the product(s) to solve those problems more effectively.

Deliver value before capturing value

Good relationships involve give and take. An important part of that is to give users real value before expecting value in return. This is why product-led companies prioritize short time to value. A common purpose of this concept is to allow users to access the application before they need to pay. Self-serve free trial does not work perfectly. Instead, we suggest testing the app, also by using the prospective customer's own data as a basis.

Core Values

A company's core values are the essence of its identity. These are Tivitysoft's core values:


We Do What We Say


We Put People First


We Invent New Capabilities


We Make Customers Satisfied

Our Story

Tivitysoft was founded on the vision of providing superior user productivity and customer satisfaction for manufacturers aftermarket operations. The solution is especially fit when each individual product has a unique identity, operate through dealers and view your customer base as your profit base. Selling into a customer base is less expensive, provided you have the right apps to excite and grow those relationships.

All customer touchpoints are moments of truth; an opportunity for them to like or dislike how it felt doing business with you. An ever-larger part of a company’s customer touch-points happens without any direct human contact. The strength of these touchpoints ever more depends on the quality of your applications self-service apps. They are taking office of customer touchpoints and creating new ones. The moment of truth is where you win or lose on the experience. Tivitysoft’s mission is to help you win every moment of truth.

Technology and industry specialization matters. When you compare our offering with alternatives you see the difference. Tivitysoft fill an important gap in enterprise software that has not been filled by general ERP systems.

Do not ignore your opportunities; you deserve the best aftermarket solution running on the best public cloud: Microsoft Azure. In cooperation; we are ready to take your business to the next level of performance.

“Tivity” is a shorter form for proactivity, productivity, and positivity. Because for what it stands for, we use it as a prefix. “Pleasing or agreeable to the senses: bringing ease and comfort” is how Merriam Webster defines “soft”. In sum, that is what we want for our customers as result of the apps solutions we provide as a service.

The founders of Tivitysoft have enterprise experience second to none. We have done it before. We value quality, and we know it takes time. But having a better offer is worth the effort because we can be proud of it, and help the world move forward.

Saving You Time, Saving You Money, Working for You: That is Tivitysoft!

For more information, please contact:
Peter Bjorkman
+47 416 79 258

LinkedIn Profile

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